19 January 2007

From my Sketchbook

...just a dynamic sketch to bring a bit of movement onto this site:

Saudi Impression

A mother with her baby in the plane to Saudi Arabia. I liked the anonymity of the covered mother and the intimacy of the child..

16 January 2007

Arabian Nights

I'm just back from a weekend working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. After the storyboards were presented I had some time to do the tourist tour through the town centre. This is where King Abdul Aziz conquered Riyadh 105 years ago.

02 January 2007

Gallery in Paris

I discovered a brilliant gallery in Paris: http://www.danielmaghen.com/.
They have comics on display in their original form, including the sketches. It's very interesting to see how these artists proceed to find the best angles and poses. They also publish very carefully made books: the drawings are printed on high quality watercolour paper, so it feels as if you had the originals in your hands.