21 November 2007

Wedding Dance

I had the pleasure to attend a beautiful wedding. Here are a few impressions of the dancing...

17 October 2007

Frozen Pitch

Here are a few frames from a recent pitch.. in colour, this time. I quite enjoyed playing around with GIMP's colour functions...

08 October 2007

30 August 2007

MySpace Storyboards

MySpace are producing this community based film called 'Faintheart'. They were looking for a storyboarder and gave a part of a script to inspire potential storyboarders... Here's what I came up with.


Some details I liked in my drawings on recent jobs:

20 July 2007


Was just playing around with this new software
on my pure Linux machine (I am still struggling to get it running properly)...

28 June 2007

Old sketches

My scanner doesn't work with my new Linux Computer, so I was looking through some of my old material and thought I should share them with you.

And here are some T-Shirts I airbrushed years ago.

02 February 2007

Hug a Hoody

My neighbour...

Pole Dancer

Is that how pole dancers go to work? Research for a project I'm working on...


An attempt to find a more efficient simplified drawing style. Inspired by Temple Clark's storyboards.

In the Tube I

A little sketch of a fellow commuter reading in the tube...

19 January 2007

From my Sketchbook

...just a dynamic sketch to bring a bit of movement onto this site:

Saudi Impression

A mother with her baby in the plane to Saudi Arabia. I liked the anonymity of the covered mother and the intimacy of the child..

16 January 2007

Arabian Nights

I'm just back from a weekend working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. After the storyboards were presented I had some time to do the tourist tour through the town centre. This is where King Abdul Aziz conquered Riyadh 105 years ago.

02 January 2007

Gallery in Paris

I discovered a brilliant gallery in Paris: http://www.danielmaghen.com/.
They have comics on display in their original form, including the sketches. It's very interesting to see how these artists proceed to find the best angles and poses. They also publish very carefully made books: the drawings are printed on high quality watercolour paper, so it feels as if you had the originals in your hands.